Mukhtar Bahadory

Construction Plans for 2021 February

This is going to be the most busy month. All of the data is already being piped to the back-end for pages and files. The only thing left to do is handle it on the front-end and create the appropriate UIs.

Currently the list of things to handle is looking like this:

  • Create and handle a "--starred" flag for Markdown files so they can be prioritized in some way besides their significance value.
  • Create a UI to filter and sort by any of the following: sigificance/relevance values, parent breadcrumbs parts, and categories attached to the file themselves. Also by their starred/draft flags.
  • Some categories attached to a file will be translated to UI colors, giving the site some vibrance.
  • Integrate a newsletter so people can subscribe for when new posts are pushed.

That's really it. It's also very likely some of these will be extended to other months as right now I am job seeking full time, but it is what it is :|